Tools for Adsense


If you're hopping onto the AdSense train and trying for a fast way to reap the rewards you've seen being pulled from all over the Internet You might be looking at a few tools.

These tools were created to assist AdSense publishers get more understanding of the flow of traffic through their website. Certain tools will assist you to understand which keywords earn more revenue and which sites offer the most effective AdSense payment.

One of the best such tools available is AdSense Gold ( which allows you to have a better understanding of which ads and formats actually get more clicks and which are useful or nearly useless.

The program tracks views and clicks on the pages of the publisher. It gives you the option of seeing the referrer that each visitor was directed to through.

There's a free tool called SynSense ( which is more of an AdSense monitoring tool. It's a tray-based tool and provides up-to-date AdSense statistics when you hover your mouse over the icon. It's an excellent tool for people who want to know how their AdSense is performing throughout the day.

Google offers statistics in the format csv on their website. Therefore, someone created a tool which can download automatically such files and extract lots of data from these files. The name of this tool is CSV AdStats and it is available from

It offers a wide range of options, including the ability to completely customise the reported statistics, as well as exporting charts and data to different formats. The site is available in French however the language can easily change to English.

Naturally, any tool can only get these stats for as long as 15 minutes, but the creators are well aware of this fact, and they will not cause you to be in trouble with Google due to this.

If you're surfing content all the time and your choice of tool would be Firefox Internet browser, there's an extension available for the program that allows you to see the statistics within your Status Bar.

This software is aware of Google's 15-minute rule and enforces it with 15 minutes as the minimum period between updates. The Google AdSense notifier for Firefox can be obtained from

There's also a program known as Golden Keywords out there that assists you in obtaining the top keywords for your website. It's extremely efficient and user-friendly. It does come with a price tag though, it costs $49.95 and it can be obtained from

As you can observe that software developers are creating ever more software designed to aid you to increase your AdSense revenue. But before you head out to find them, remember that Google comes with a few options of its own.

It also provides some reports (albeit slightly less comprehensive) and the 'channels feature is a useful method of determining the ads that are on your website actually generate the majority of the money.

Keep an eye out as new tools are introduced every day. Make sure you spend time on your website because it is the key to success using AdSense.

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